Castiglion del bosco S.r.l. is commited to respecting the privacy of the website users by following terms and conditions of the applicable Regulation (UE) 2016/679 concerning the protection of personal information (hereinafter “Regulation”). This document (“Privacy e Cookie Policy”) provides information on data treatment, collected in this website (hereinafter “Wesbite”) and can be used by users to gather information regarding the regulations. Within the sections of the website where personal data is gathered the users will find a specific note. The policy is valid for this website only and not for other websites connected via link.
Owner and data controller is: Castiglion del Bosco S.r.l. con sede in Località Castiglion del bosco - 53024 Montalcino (SI).

You may contact the responsible for data management by writing to the following email address: [email protected].
The following data could be treated:

The treatment of personal data of users visiting the website only (not sending communications or accessing private areas) limits to navigation data, necessary for the operation of the IT systems of the website and internet communication protocols. In this category are included, IP addresses or the domain of the pc used to access the website and other parameters related to the operating system. The Owner collects these and other data (such as time spent on the website) only statistical purposes and anonymously in order to check the operation of the website and to improve its functionalities. These information are not collected to be associated with other users’ information or to identify the latter; however the data collected, might for its nature, allow the identification of users. The legal basis of this data treatment is the legitimate interest of the Owner to the technical management related to the functionality and security of the website.

Cookies are small text files that the websites inserts in use devices, such as computers or mobiles, saved in the directory used by the web browser of the user. There are different types of cookies, used to improve the website’s effectiveness, others to facilitate certain functionalities.

The website uses “technical” cookies, such as navigation or session ones. These are directed at making the navigation and usage of the website more functional.
Analytical cookies are also present, these collect information on number of users and how these visit the website. In particular the website uses Google Analytics service, whom cookie policy can be accessed here:

In order to comply with the privacy of our users, the service is used under the “_anonymizeip” mode that allows for the IP addresses of website users to be masked.
We don’t use proliferation cookies.

The user can choose wether to enable or disable cookies by accessing the settings on the navigation browser by following the instructions below:
  • Cookie settings of Internet Explorer
  • Cookie settings of cookie in Firefox
  • Cookie settings of cookie in Chrome
  • Cookie settings of cookie in Safari and iOS

The legal basis of the processing for technical management and for statistical analysis is of interest of the owner of the data controller.

There could be additional cookies in the services and applications used by the website (e.g. for the management of maps).

Please find more information on the usage of cookies on the link below:
The forms to be filled in, on this website contain data strictly needed to manage communications and users’ requests, these are marked with this sign [*], and also non-compulsory data. Not adding these information will not result in any consequence.
As per Terms & Conditions, IT systems and programs used by the Owned are set up in a way to reduce to the minimum possible the usage of personal data; Personal Data collected for the purposes of the Owner’s legitimate interests shall be retained as long as needed to fulfill such purposes; criteria used to determine the period of retain is determined b the applicable laws and principles of minimization of the treatment of data; limitation of storage and rational management of the archives.

I dati ricavati dai cookie analitici sono anonimizzati e non permettono di risalire all’identità dell’utente.
I dati trasmessi volontariamente dagli utenti (tramite form o email) saranno conservati per il periodo di tempo strettamente necessario al conseguimento delle finalità sottese alla richiesta.
The company will protect users’ personal data and will respect the legal basis applicable in order to avoid data loss, illegitimate and illegal uses and non-authorized accesses.

The personal data provided by you could be shared, when necessary needed with:
a. will be processed by personnel in charge, suitably trained and operating under the authority and responsibility of the Owner.

b. all those subjects that offer services to the Owner, that act typically as responsible for data treatment, to third parties who provide instrumental services, including communication services, e-mail, technical services for the management of the Site and computer service providers.

c. all those subjects, including Public Authorities, who have access to personal data by virtue of regulatory or administrative measures; to public bodies (tax offices and other entities).

The updated list of all recipients is available at the headquarters of the Data Controller and will be provided at the request of the data subject by writing to the Owner of the data treatment.
We hereby inform you that you have the right to access your personal data and to exercise the other rights stated in Paragraph III of the aforestated Regulation. Said rights may be exercised by writing to the following email address: [email protected].

We also inform you that you have the right to access your personal data and to exercise the other rights provided for in CHAPTER III of the aforementioned Regulations. Users have the right to access their data, change or cancel their data, limit the treatment of data, remove the consensus and oppose fully or partly to the data treatment and usage. These rights can be exercised by writing to the following e-mail address: [[email protected]. Pursuant to art. 77 of EU Regulation 2016/679, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if you believe that the processing violates the aforementioned Regulation.